I’m not sure what’s going on with this video except that it’s clear I got a new camera? Maybe? Was I reviewing a camera and used it for this video?
It looks like a bad VHS tape.
I distinctly remember reviewing this iron because Panasonic either offered it to me for review or I asked them to send it to me so that I’d have an iron for the holidays. This was shot in early December of 2009, mind you. Panasonic did at least pitch me on this, although I’m certain they just wanted me to write about it without actually using it. I remember their PR person being a little puzzled when I asked her to send it to me.
As far as reviewing review videos goes, this video is like a 5 out of 10 – mostly because it sounds and looks weird. It could be argued that I saved it with some goofery up front. I remember one of the CrunchGear writers at the time, Dan Freeman, telling me I could make anything interesting.
I’m not sure I’d go that far, but it was nice of him to say. I also remember commenters complaining that I was reviewing an iron, so I guess things leveled out on the compliment front.
And just to shed some light on how far iron technology has (or hasn’t) come, Panasonic still sells this iron. And as irons go, it’s great. I still have mine and use it whenever I need something ironed – which is perhaps once per calendar quarter.